The Potential Contribution of Lantana Camara to the Goat Nutrition: Review and Observation

Author Details

GetachewWorku and ZelekeTessema

Journal Details


Published: 24 January 2019 | Article Type :


Among African countries, Ethiopia takes the largest livestock population. Supplementary feeding is usually limited under smallholder livestock production systems due to their inaccessibility and high cost. To alleviate the difficulties related with the absence of dietary protein, there is a need to look for some alternative. One of such feed L. camarais a perennial small shrub which can grow up to around 2 m tall and can form dense thickets in a variety of environments. The aim of this review and observational study was to evaluate the nutritional composition of L. camaraleaf and grain as animal feed. The native range of L. camara is Central and South America; however it has become naturalized in around 60 tropical and sub-tropical countries worldwide. L. camara is known to be toxic to livestock. The active substances causing toxicity in grazing animals is pentacyclictriterpenoids which result in liver damage and photosensitive. Literatures recommend that further research is needed to determine the long term effects of L.camara on livestock. The leaf has crude protein (23.3%); Ash (15.7%), Dry matter (88%), crude fat (4.4%) and TDN (78.2%). The leaves are rich in nutrients such as the protein which can be used as a source of protein for animal diets. It is recommendable know the anti-nutritional factor and toxic level on different inclusion rate for different livestock species before feeding the animals. Standard feeding experiment is essential on the impact of L.camara leaves on body weight gain.

Keywords: L. camara, feed, nutritional composition, leaves and grain, crude protein.

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How to Cite


GetachewWorku and ZelekeTessema. (2019-01-24). "The Potential Contribution of Lantana Camara to the Goat Nutrition: Review and Observation." *Volume 3*, 1, 3-8